Text Box: InSite Land Use Planning services are a valued addition to the complex planning approvals process of any public or private sector development project or program. Development projects require a wide variety of disciplinary involvement and interaction from inception to completion. InSite Land Use Planning offers professional representation and services on a wide variety of planning matters including:

Official Plan and Zoning By-law research
Policy and Provision interpretations
Conceptual Planning Design
Secondary Planning Land Use & Design
Draft Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of Condominium Design
Site Plan Design
Urban Design Guidelines
Preparation, filing and representation on Applications for Regional and Local Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Site Plans, Consents and Minor Variance
Preparation of Planning Justification Reports and supporting materials
Coordinate and facilitate public input and involvement through hosting Public Open Houses and Community Group participation
Planning Graphic and Design Services
Available for Professional Representation to all Councils, Committees, Boards or Tribunals

Development projects often require a multidisciplinary approach and support. InSite Land Use Planning can assist in building a team of qualified professionals for each unique development scenario. Conversely, InSite Land Use Planning is highly adaptable to entering a team environment, blending in and bolstering the existing dynamic.

If you have a question about the services offered by InSite Land Use Planning, please feel free to contact us and we will gladly provide you with more detail.

What We Do

© InSite Land Use Planning 2017